Investors baffled as DHFL had a market valuation of Rs 941 cr on Monday, with its stock trading at Rs 30 a share even after the company was sent for bankruptcy proceedings
Uttam Galva's total admitted claims are Rs 9,070.66 crore, with ArcelorMittal having an 87 per cent voting share among financial creditors
Insurance sale before DHFL sale would have eliminated regulatory uncertainty, say lawyers
Oaktree and Piramal Group are engaged in neck and neck competition to get control of the mortgage lender, for which the selection process has entered the final stage
Government's New Year resolutions should be to revive domestic demand while addressing the Chinese threat
The government has again extended the suspension of fresh proceedings under the insolvency law by three more months amid the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. A notification for a three-month extension of the suspension, which was to end on December 24, was issued by the corporate affairs ministry on Tuesday. The three-month period would be from December 25. An ordinance was promulgated in June this year for suspension of fresh insolvency proceedings and the same came into force retrospectively from March 25 -- the day when the nationwide lockdown to curb spreading of coronavirus infections had come into effect. Later, a bill to replace the ordinance that had amended the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) was cleared by Parliament in September. Initially, the suspension of fresh proceedings under the IBC was for six months starting from March 25 and then, it was extended by three months. Now, the suspension has been further extended by three months which will end o
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day
Suspension not applicable to defaults committed before March 25, 2020
Govt should not have extended suspension of bankruptcy work
The official said that while on the one hand green shoots were visible in the economy and the stock market was booming, on the other things were not moving under IBC
Firm claims Covid has had no long-term impact, growth plans are on track and target of reaching 12-15 million tonne output remains
Liquidations were only one-third of total cases closed in the previous quarter
Critics of the IBC have often pointed out that the delays in admission, resolution and liquidation might be making it an unattractive proposition
An upturn in the steel market has prompted the country's third-largest steel producer to up the ante on acquiring Bhushan Power
The 16th Lok Sabha passed 15% more Bills than the previous one, he said, adding that in these five years, 60% of the passed Bills have been debated for at least 2 hours
Proposal was made last week, payment subject to bank guarantee or indemnity from lenders, so that in case SC rejects resolution plan, settlement amount will be reversed
In the last hearing on Oct 29, SC had transferred to itself all petitions pending before various High Courts, challenging IBC provisions on the issue
A selection of key court orders
The DHFL saga has put the spotlight on the legal ambiguity in accepting bids beyond stipulated deadlines
Covid-19 outbreak, suspension of new proceedings under IBC has sharply slowed down resolution process causing realisation for financial creditors to decline