Large-cap information technology (IT) stocks rallied on Tuesday on the back of a rating upgrade by influential brokerage Morgan Stanley. Shares of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys and Wipro gained around four per cent each after the brokerage revised upwards their price targets between five per cent and 26 per cent."Indian IT services stocks could be set for a turnaround in 2018," said Morgan Stanley analysts Parag Gupta and Gaurav Rateria in a note dated January 15. "Valuations are at or below long-term averages and an improving global macro could spur tech spending, which could re-rate stocks," the duo said adding that they prefer large caps.Shares of midcap IT stocks underperformed with Mphasis, Cyient and Mindtree ending with losses. The benchmark Sensex ended 72.5 points, or 0.2 per cent lower, even though TCS, Infosys and Wipro made a 158-point contribution. The BSE IT index gained 3.3 per cent and was by-far the best-performing sectoral index.The technology pack has ...
The service tax department has sent notices to about 200 IT and ITeS companies so far, the report claimed
Analysts see growth remaining muted for the next two years, advise stock-specific approach
The BSE IT index has shed over 3% year-to-date, compared with a sharp 12% gain seen on Sensex
Valuation gap between top IT stocks and Sensex widest since 2009 on low export growth fears
According to experts, Trump plans to overhaul work-visa programmes that dampened investor mood
Congruence on terrorism, current disquiet on immigration, short-term visa would top the wish list
According to them, current valuations don't capture structural demand issues and potential impact of global events
Companies pass on gains arising from currency depreciation amid subdued demand environment
Underweight on the sector since January amid concerns over growth prospects; no early reversal seen