Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Friday announced hike in prices of its range of personal and commercial vehicles by around 1.9 per cent with immediate effect. Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), part of the USD 19.4 billion Mahindra Group, will raise the prices of range of personal and commercial vehicles by Rs 4,500 - Rs 40,000, depending on the model and variant, the Mumbai-based automaker said in a regulatory filing. M&M said in the case of new Thar, the current price increase will be effective for all bookings done between December 1, 2020 and January 7, 2021. All fresh bookings for the new Thar, effective January 8, 2021, will have prices as applicable on the date of delivery, the company added. Veejay Nakra, CEO Automotive Division, M&M said the price increase was necessitated due to unprecedented increase in commodity prices and various other input costs over the past many months. "We have made all efforts to reduce our costs and deferred price increase for a ...
The price will increase by around 1.9 per cent, resulting in an increase of Rs 4,500 - Rs 40,000, depending on the model and variant
MG Motors on Thursday launched the seven-seater version of its premium SUV, Hector, at a price of Rs 13.34 lakh
Mahindra group has emerged stronger from the COVID-19 crisis and the 'strange & sinister year' 2020 will be transformed into a year of 'reinvention & regeneration' in 2021, according to the chairman of the conglomerate, Anand Mahindra. In his New Year address to the 2.56 lakh employees of the group across 100 countries, Mahindra said in spite of all the problems brought about by the pandemic last year, "someunexpectedly great things had emerged from what seemed like an impossibly bad situation". Drawing parallels to the development of COVID-19 vaccines, in which researchers and regulators have fast-tracked the vaccine development process to 10 months which otherwise takes 10 years, he said there are lessons for the group to learn from it in terms of following purpose-driven business, rebooting and re-evaluating. "I thinkthe first important learning from that story is that the day of the purpose-driven business has arrived," he said adding manufacturing the vaccine is a true ...
Mahindra also expects to close deal with a potential buyer for a stake sale in Ssangyong
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Company says may sign term sheet next week, deal is more or less agreed; Post sale, Mahindra will hold less than 30% in the firm
The latest move will not have any impact on its product plan, Mahindra and Mahindra said
The latest move will not have any impact on its product plan, Mahindra and Mahindra said
Ford took a $799 million impairment charge in 2019 in anticipation of the asset transfer to Mahindra to account for what it called fair value less cost to sell
The International Trade Commission (ITC) said the post-2020 model year Roxor did not violate the "trade dress" of FCA's Jeep Wrangler SUV
JP Morgan has sought repayment of loan worth 40 billion Korean wons from Mahindra & Mahindra's troubled foreign arm SsangYong Motor Company (SYMC) but the South Korean auto maker has expressed its inability to pay the amount now. Following the Korean automaker's application for rehabilitation dated December 21, JP Morgan issued a notice to the cash-strapped firm demanding the repayment of an outstanding loan amount of 40 billion KRW (around Rs 268 crore with interest), M&M said in a regulatory filing. "SYMC has today intimated to the Korean Stock Exchange that it could not repay the loan amount of 40 billion KRW to JP Morgan on account of its application for rehabilitation," it added. The Korean automaker has outstanding loans aggregating to 100 billion Korean Won (around Rs 680 crore) from Seoul-based branches of JP Morgan Chase Bank, BNP Paribas and Bank of America. Last week, M&M had informed the bourses that SYMC has missed repayments of loans aggregating to 60 ...
The development comes a week after the struggling automaker missed repayment of 60 billion Korean Won to JP Morgan Chase Bank, South Korea, which was due on Dec 14
Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Monday said it will hike prices of its its range of tractors from next month in order to partially offset the impact of rise in input costs. In a regulatory filing, M&M's Farm Equipment Sector said, effective January 1, 2021, it will increase the price of its range of tractors, across models. This has been necessitated due to the increase in commodity prices and various other input costs, the company added. Details of price increase across different models will be communicated in due course, M&M said. Last week, M&M had announced it will hike prices of its entire range of passenger and commercial vehicles from next month in order to partially offset the impact of rise in input costs.
Girsh wagh says firm took a bold decision to prune incentives by almost a third during BS VI transition
All that happened in today's market
M&M, which owns a 75 per cent stake in SYMC, rescued the sport-utility vehicle (SUV) maker from near-insolvency in 2010 but has struggled to revive its fortunes
Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) is expecting reduction in production and sales volume at its automotive division and in its wholly-owned subsidiary in the last quarter of the current fiscal due to global supply shortage of micro-processors. M&M said it is engaging closely with its auto components supplier Bosch and assessing likely production loss. "The operations of the company in the automotive sector will be affected by the global supply shortage of micro-processors (semiconductors) used in electronic control unit (ECUs) which is supplied by Bosch," Mahindra said in a regulatory filing. Mahindra said this is estimated to result in reduction in production/ sales volume of the company (automotive division) and Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers (MVML), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, in the last quarter of financial year 2020-2021. "The company is engaging closely with Bosch and assessing likely production loss for the last quarter of FY 2020-2021 on account of this supply .
Hero is gearing up to provide service and parts support to customers even where there are no Harley dealerships through its own network
Auto ancillary stocks also ticked up in intra-day trade today, with Bosch rising as much as 6.77 per cent