Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said malnutrition will be eradicated from the state in the next one or one-and-a-half years
In Afghanistan, 1.1 million children under the age of five will likely face the most severe form of malnutrition this year, according to the UN
In an interview with Vinay Umarji, Elizabeth Yee, executive vice-president, program strategy and chief of staff at The Rockefeller Foundation, talks about its endeavours on her maiden visit to India
With the country facing one of its worst food crises, about 2 in 3 children in Afghanistan - or 12 million - whose families depend on farming to survive, are struggling to get enough food to eat daily
Fortified rice is made as per the standards fixed by the food regulator FSSAI which has prescribed blending rice with three micronutrients -- Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12
The Unicef has warned that 1 million children in Afghanistan may die of acute malnutrition if urgent action wasn't taken.
The guidelines of the restructured scheme, Saksham Anganwadi and POSHAN 2.0, are still being worked out and POSHAN 2.0 has not yet been approved, an RTI response revealed
Malnutrition and consequent deaths among Afghan children have increased by over 50 per cent
Globally, scientific studies have shown that fortification programmes lead to increased market share for larger formal players, and reduce market share of the informal sector
Fall in GHI score is not absolute, but relative to other countries
Kondagaon, a small tribal-dominated and Naxal-affected district in Chhattisgarh's Bastar division, has recorded more than 40 per cent decline in the number of malnourished children
UN estimates indicate that the world's population may increase from around 7.8 billion now to almost 10 billion by 2050
Severe acute childhood malnutrition is expected to more than double this year in Haiti as the country struggles with the coronavirus pandemic, a spike in violence and dwindling resources
Niti Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar on Tuesday said high malnutrition persists in the country despite being a food-surplus nation, and the situation can only improve through "behavioural change"
Issues such as tackling tuberculosis and health insurance, which could have been addressed in 2020, were sidelined
A slowing spread of the virus, measures to ensure safety in vaccine development, an expanding digital divide, and more-news relevant to India's fight against Covid-19
On the positive side, fewer women in 15 of the 22 states and union territories (UTs) for which data were released reported that they experienced marital violence compared to 2015-16
In India, caste is a dominant aspect of an individual's social identity and can similarly determine access to crucial health and nutrition services
Contained global food costs haven't stopped inflation spikes in India, Pakistan and elsewhere, as supply disruptions hit.
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