In a setback to the Modi government, Shiromani Akali Dal president Sukhbir Singh Badal announced in Lok Sabha on Thursday that Harsimrat Kaur Badal will resign from the Union Cabinet in protest against the three farm bills, tabled in Parliament by the Centre for passage. In his speech during a discussion on two of the farm bills -- the Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, Sukhbir Singh Badal said the proposed laws will "destroy" the 50 years of hard work put in by successive Punjab governments and farmers to build the agriculture sector. He recalled Punjab's massive contribution in making India self-sufficient in food grain production as he vehemently opposed the bills. "I want to make an announcement that our Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal will resign from Cabinet," he said in concluding remarks. He also refuted suggestions that his party initially ...
The Centre had last month offered two options to states to compensate them under GST regime
India is facing intense, multiple, intertwined crises and needs political space and confidence. It is up to Modi and his govt to create them
The ranking is for the year 2018 and does not take into account the impact of newer issues like the Covid-19 crisis, whose impact would become evident only two years later
The last three PMs who served full terms started out in their early 70s. Mr Modi is younger and fitter. Now he needs to find it in him to change course if he is to beat economic odds, writes T N Ninan
India reported decreases in each of the components of economic freedom, including "regulation" and "freedom to trade internationally"
The govt's net revenue in the April-July period of 2020 contracted 42%, as its overall expenditure growth was kept at 11%. A K Bhattacharya explains the government's challenges in fixing the economy
The entire world has appreciated the Narendra Modi government for saving the lives of 130 crore Indians by imposing the coronavirus-induced nationwide lockdown, BJP chief J P Nadda said on Monday
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday hit out at the Centre over the issue of recruitment to government posts, alleging that the Modi dispensation's thinking is "minimum government, maximum privatisation". With his tweet attacking the government, Gandhi tagged a media report which said there would be a freeze on creation of new posts except with the approval of the expenditure department. "Modi government's thinking -- 'Minimum Govt Maximum Privatisation'," Gandhi said in a tweet. The COVID-19 pandemic is just an excuse and the intention is to make government offices "free" of permanent staff, he alleged. "(Intention is to) Rob the future of the youth and promote (his) friends," Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi targeting the prime minister, and urged people to speak up.
Frequent punitive transfers of bureaucrats known for their integrity and/or efficiency point to the ubiquitous political constraints on bureaucratic functioning
Congress accused the Modi government of pushing the country towards an economic collapse and a financial emergency, and said noteban, GST and lockdown were "disaster strokes" not "master strokes"
Shah also said the Modi government is fully committed towards building a future-ready civil service
Speaking on the National Education Policy (NEP) introduced by his government, Modi said that importance has been given to toys as they are important for a child's development
States have also been asked to issue fresh ration cards to eligible disabled persons not covered under the NFSA
On the three major subjects on which the country would like to hear from the prime minister - defence expenditure, healthcare spend, and economic difficulties - there is only silence, writes T N Ninan
The annual summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe is likely to take place early next month
The name change was among the key recommendations of the draft new National Education Policy (NEP), which was also cleared by the Union Cabinet last month
Sources in the know said the Centre was also looking at increasing Customs duty on formulations, agrochemicals, and pesticides falling under different Harmonized System of Nomenclature codes
The steps taken by theModi government in the healthcare sector in the last six years ensured India's success in containing coronavirus pandemic, Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said
Sohinder Gill, director general, Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, said delinking of batteries from EVs is a good idea, however, a lot needs to be done before it becomes implementable