Mutual funds have added a staggering Rs 1.24 lakh crore to their asset base in 2018 assisted by consistent increase in SIP flows and a robust participation of retail investors despite volatile markets. The asset under management (AUM) of the industry grew by 5.54 per cent or Rs 1.24 lakh crore to Rs 23.61 lakh crore at the end of December 2018, up from Rs 22.37 lakh crore at the end of December 2017, latest data available with the Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) showed. The year 2018 also marked the sixth consecutive yearly rise in the industry's AUM after a drop in the two preceding years. The pace of growth, however, declined for the asset size in 2018 as compared to the previous year. The industry saw a surge of 32 per cent in the AUM or an addition of over Rs 5.4 lakh crore in 2017. The IL&FS default and the consequent blow to the NBFC sector because of the credit crunch, exposed mutual funds to ill-liquid debt funds worth lakhs of crores. This coupled with ...
MCX suggests Sebi to allow gold funds to buy futures instead of physical metal
The industry had seen a surge of 32% in the AUM or addition of over Rs 5.4 trillion in 2017
Equity funds form 42% of total assets, double the 2014 level
The financial services firm revised its bid, fearing the new structure's impact on profitability
Mutual funds' investor fees will be capped at 2.25 per cent of total expenses, according to new norms issued by markets regulator Sebi.
Flows into equity mutual fund (MF) schemes declined 33 per cent and those into liquid- and money-market schemes rebounded 2.5 times in November.
HDFC MF, ICICI Prudential MF, and SBI MF added more than Rs 500 billion each in overall assets in FY18
Fund houses have cut, raised expenses for direct plans; move may lead to higher returns
Over the last few years, investor accounts have increased following robust contribution from retail investors, especially from smaller towns and huge inflows in equity schemes
Do not, under any circumstances, get persuaded by this temporary blip into stopping your monthly investments
Shift from upfront to trail commissions could see banks as well as other distributors push sales of insurance, PMS and AIF
Risk-aversion and uncertainty over redemptions make MFs turn to CBLO
Mumbai, 19 NovemberSBI Capital Ventures (SVL), an alternative asset management arm of the State Bank of India group, will float two funds. One, of Rs 4-billion for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and a Rs 3.5-bn one for affordable housing. This is part of a plan to expand its portfolio of funds. SVL is a subsidiary of SBI Capital Markets.Both funds are targeting closure in the second half of the next financial year (2019-20). The SME fund will be broad-based, covering both manufacturing and services. The affordable housing fund will focus on the metropolitan areas of Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Delhi; also on Pune, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. It will take stakes in Special Purpose Vehicles for a particular project. Says Varsha Purandare, managing director at SBI Capital Markets: "With these two funds, we are looking forward to strengthening our foothold in economically and socially relevant sectors." While the gap in debt funding to SMEs is increasingly being bridged by ..
Investors need to choose the option at the time of enrollment
Panelists at the Morningstar Investment Conference welcomed the move on making mutual funds more cost-effective for investors
Thus far in calendar year 2018 (CY18), MFs have pumped in a net Rs 1.02 trillion in equities
They operate as go-anywhere funds, and can even short the market - something mutual funds and PMS fund managers can't do
At a nominal fee, mutual funds provide a great opportunity to investors who don't have the knowledge of investing.
The tax rates on capital gains are different for equity funds and debt funds