Mutual fund (MFs) turned net-sellers of equities after six months, while buying by overseas investors climbed to a six-month high in February. MFs have been net-sellers to the tune of Rs 78 crore (data for two sessions awaited), while foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have pumped in close to Rs 10,000 crore into the markets in February. Benchmark indices rallied four per cent in February, extending their gains from demonetisation lows in December 2016 to 12 per cent.Equity MF managers have changed their stance to cautious as valuations have turned lofty, while FIIs have stepped up buying amid weakening of the US dollar against global currencies. Since October 2016, MFs have invested Rs 43,875 crore, at a monthly average of Rs 7,312 crore. FIIs, on the other hand, have pulled out Rs 12,150 crore at an average of Rs 2,024 crore during the same period. Following a sharp 12 per cent rally since December 26, 2016, the benchmark Sensex is now trading at 19 times its one year forward ...
Equity fund managers, who manage assets worth Rs 5 lakh crore, have turned net sellers of stocks this month. The previous monthly outflow by mutual funds (MFs) was in July 2016.The selling, albeit marginal, comes after benchmark indices rallied four per cent since the start of the month and 12 per cent since the December 2016 low. Their cautious stand is reflecting in this month's investment pattern, with equity fund managers pulling out a net Rs 78 crore till last Thursday. A chief investment officer, managing a little over Rs 20,000 crore of equity assets, told this newspaper on condition of anonymity that "these are precarious levels -- not in the interest of investors, given the poor earning growth fundamentals".Adding: "It's all liquidity which is taking the markets higher. There are near-term uncertainties like state election results and revival in corporate earnings. We are taking a defensive stand in the portfolio and for investors, it would not be a bad idea to book partial ..
In comparison, fund managers had allocated Rs 78,644 cr for bank shares in the year-ago period
Understanding information in this document correctly can make you proficient mutual fund investor
While equity MFs get SIP inflow of Rs 4k cr a month, only a tiny part of this is invested in ELSS
Flow surge in equity schemes is an important reason why Indian stock market did not crash
As of Jan 31, 2017, the industry's AUM stood at Rs 17.37 lakh cr
Equity fund managers say large-caps offer higher relative safety, especially in such times
Further, equity and equity-linked saving schemes saw an infusion of Rs 4,880 crore
Fund managers pumped in over Rs 31,000 cr in debt market last month
May pip equity yet again in 2017; managers recommend funds focused on short-term bonds
Equity mutual funds have delivered attractive returns in the past one month
Generally, fund managers step up their buying whenever equity markets undergo a sharp correction
Last year, close to 106 draft papers were filed with the capital market watchdog
With interest rates falling, both corporate and retail money might flow into debt funds is a robo advisory platform that offers live feeds
Higher the ratio, greater is the fund's consistency
Sebi now favours continuing with both fee-based and commission-based model
With leadership positions changing every few years, betting on past performance may not be good idea
Fund managers put in money in stock market since August last year due to a sharp plunge in equities