To tap the growing demand from retail investors, mutual fund houses have filed draft papers with markets regulator Sebi to launch as many as 30 New Fund Offers. Retirement, fixed maturity plan (FMP) and equity are some of the themes for which mutual fund houses have filed the applications. Interestingly, many mutual fund companies have approached Sebi for launching plans with Hindi names so that investors in rural areas understand the objectives of the schemes in a better manner. The move is seen as moving away from the old tradition of English names for investment schemes. 'Bal Vikas Yojana', a scheme aimed at saving for children's future, Kar Bachat Yojana, a tax saving fund, 'Bachat Yojana' and 'Nivesh Lakshya' both fixed income schemes, are some of the launch schemes filed with Sebi by Mahindra MF and Reliance MF. "Our idea is to explain the investment opportunities to customers in our priority markets in their own language starting with the product names," Mahindra AMC MD and
At 11,840 new accounts a day, fastest pace since Lehman crisis, with flow high beyond top 15 cities; trend expected to continue this year
Investors should do shorter-term SIPs, around six months, before deciding to continue
The latest outflow was mainly driven by contribution from Liquid or money market segmen
Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) pumped over Rs 21,000 crore into equities during the period under review
Of the 43 fund houses in the country, 32 MFs witnessed growth in their assets base, while the remaining 11 saw a preceding in their AUMs
The inclusion of associates in the definition of group companies is a grey area
If retail investors aspire to make risk-free, guaranteed returns in the short-term, they are better off in a fixed deposit. Equities isn't for them
This is their 1st net outflow, although they have invested more than Rs 70,000 crore for entire fiscal year
This is primarily on account of robust contribution from smaller towns
Growing participation from retail investors, especially from small towns and several measures taken by markets regulator Sebi led to robust inflows in equity schemes, industry experts said
Put in Rs 72,218 crore in FY16, highest investment in the past 11 years
Equity savings funds give additional tax benefit, as they are treated like equity funds
Sebi raised its vigil for MFs exposure to distressed bonds amid concerns over rising bad debt levels of corporates
900,000 accounts added in January and February, even as Sensex fell 12%
Theasset base of the country's fund houses slipped to Rs 12.63 lakh cr last month from Rs 12.73 lakh cr in January
Assets base of the country's mutual funds industry dropped to Rs 12.62 lakh crore at the end of February, making it the fourth consecutive monthly decline, due to lower investment in equity schemes. According to the latest data of the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), over 40 fund houses in the country together had an average AUM of Rs 12,62,842 crore at February-end as against Rs 12,73,714 crore in the preceding month. The industry's AUM was at Rs 12.95 lakh crore and Rs 12.75 lakh crore in November and December, respectively. The assets base had touched an all-time high of Rs 13.24 lakh crore in October, while it stood at Rs 11.87 lakh crore in September. Overall inflow in mutual fund schemes was at Rs 23,028 crore at the end of last month compared with an inflow of Rs 22,569 crore at January-end. Industry experts said the quarterly decline in assets under management (AUM) is largely on account of slowdown in inflows in equity and equity-linked saving schemes. The ..
The February inflow was less than the monthly systematic investment plan book, which the sector claims to be Rs 3,000 crore
The states include Maharashtra, New Delhi, Karnataka, Gujarat, West Bengal, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, and UP
Want equity-fund label for those investing at least 50% of assets in stock instruments from the present limit of 65%