The government kick-started its FY18 divestment process with up to 10 per cent stake sale in National Aluminium Company Limited or Nalco, on Wednesday. With the floor price set at Rs 67 a share compared to the stock's closing price of Rs 73.45 on Tuesday, it is not surprising that the stock Nalco fell seven per cent on the bourses. Moving forward, though near-term pressure due to geo-political events could put pressure on base metal prices, the longer-term outlook remains firm. And now, with divestment behind, the road ahead looks good for the company.Nalco has seen strong turnaround in its prospects with base metal prices rallying on the London Metal Exchange (LME) during the last 15 months. As per tonne prices of aluminium surged from sub-$1500 on the LME at the start of 2016 to about $1960 last month-end, Nalco's stock price has rallied from lows of Rs 31.6 to highs of Rs 79.85 during this period. Prices on alumina (a key ingredient to make aluminium), too, have improved and at ...
OFS gets demand worth Rs 954 crore from non-retail bidders
Nalco scrip touched a low of Rs 67.75, down 7.76% over previous close on the BSE
Firm signs pact IIT-Bhubaneswar
The plants, unveiled in Bhubaneswar, are located in Rajasthan (two plants), Maharashtra and AP
The share price, face value of Rs 5, has more than doubled in the past
National Aluminium Company (Nalco) is all set to join the club of one million tonne aluminium producers by 2020. The company has lined up over Rs 20,000 investment to ramp up its aluminium, alumina and power capacities.Among the major aluminium producers in the country, Hindalco and Vedanta have metal capacities of over one million tonne.Nalco's aluminium smelter at Angul can now produce optimum of 0.46 million tonne per annum. The company plans to put up a new pot line to its existing facilities which will boost the aluminium making capacity to over one million tonne."A fifth pot line with capacity to produce 0.6 million tonnes of aluminium will be added to the existing four aluminium smelting pot lines at Angul. The cost of the project is pegged at Rs 12,000 crore. Though normally, such work would take 3.5 to 4 years to complete, we are trying to complete it within 3 years", said a top official of Nalco.Down the line, the company has initiated steps to augment its power generation ..
National Aluminium Company (Nalco) hopes to turn in profit from its aluminium business towards the end of 2018-19 after commencement of coal mining from its captive Utkal D coal block."With the starting of coal production from Utkal-D and Utkal-E blocks, the power cost will plunge which will make the aluminium business more profitable. We are hopeful that the production from Utkal-D block will start in two years", T K Chand, chairman cum managing director of Nalco told Business Standard.Power cost accounts for 40 per cent of aluminium production. Despite being the lowest cost producer of alumina in the world, steep power cost was constraining Nalco's ability to be cost effective in aluminium production. Nalco's production cost of the hot metal hovers around $1450 per tonne. On the contrary, Nalco's private sector rival Vedanta reported an average aluminium production cost of $1429 per tonne with its Jharsuguda smelter achieving even a lower production cost of $1388 a tonne. Vedanta, ..
It achieved a volume of 6.56 million tonne in April-February period of this fiscal
The power plant, estimated to cost Rs 14,000 crore, is being set up by Nalco jointly with NTPC
However, company posts 30% dip in profit to Rs 400 cr for 9 months ended December 2016
This is the highest growth for Nalco since inception and also a record in the mining industry
The proposed smelter's capacity is pegged at 0.6 million tonnes per annum, power generated by the super thermal power station will feed this greenfield smelter
The stock dipped 9% to Rs 60 on BSE after the company reported 52% YoY drop in profit at Rs 121 crore in Q2FY17
Nalco has kept its options open to go for a toll-smelting arrangement with some Iranian firms
In terms of production, Nalco's performance was stellar, especially bauxite mining, which was up 23.6%
Capex will be used for projects like development of Utkal D&E coal blocks, wind power projects of 50 Mw each in Maharashtra & Rajasthan
Earlier in May, the company had entered into an initial agreement with Iran's mining development body to supply alumina
The dip in net profit to lower market realization despite quantum jump in production
State-run firm had clocked a net profit of Rs 174.32 crore in the year-go period