Satellites measured land and ocean life from space as early as the 1970s
Holden is set to reveal the company's latest air taxi plans at Web Summit, an annual internet conference taking place in Lisbon
The announcement comes as the Uber Elevate summit in Los Angeles brings together tech and transportation leaders to discuss the future of urban aviation.
Polar ice caps and snow cover are shown ebbing and flowing with the seasons
NASA has approved a second extension of the Dawn mission at Ceres, allowing the spacecraft to get a closer look at the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. During this extension, the spacecraft will descend to lower altitudes than ever before at the dwarf planet, which it has been orbiting since March 2015. The spacecraft will continue at Ceres for the remainder of its science investigation and will remain in a stable orbit indefinitely after its fuel runs out. The Dawn flight team is studying ways to manoeuvre the spacecraft into a new elliptical orbit, which may take the it to less than 200 kilometres from the surface of Ceres at closest approach. Previously, Dawn's lowest altitude was 385 kilometres. A priority of the second Ceres mission extension is collecting data with Dawn's gamma ray and neutron spectrometer, which measures the number and energy of gamma rays and neutrons. This information is important for understanding the compositi
The elusive 'Planet Nine' does exist, and may be 10 times the mass of the Earth and 20 times away from the Sun than Neptune, NASA scientists say. Planet Nine could turn out to be our solar system's missing 'super Earth' - a planet with a mass higher than the Earth's, but substantially lower than the masses of ice giants Uranus and Neptune. The signs so far are indirect, mainly its gravitational footprints, but that adds up to a compelling case, they said. "There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet Nine," said Konstantin Batygin, a planetary astrophysicist at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the US. "If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them," said Batygin. Six known objects in the distant Kuiper Belt,
Nasa's current plans for solar system exploration, supply of this critical resource could be exhausted within the next decade
The successor to the famed Hubble Space Telescope, Webb will now launch between March and June 2019
Bridenstine had long been considered the favorite for the job of NASA administrator
Dennis Overbye remembers the scientific breakthrough that Nasa's voyagers have stood for
The space vehicle will continue exploring how Red Planet's habitable world changed through time
The person who lands the job will draw a six figure salary - $124,406 to $187,000 per year
About 300 out of a total 500 clips have been uploaded to YouTube so far
The videos will be indexed by Google and more easily available through the company's search engine
The canisters deployed blue-green and red vapour that formed artificial clouds
The LBFD X-plane will be flown over communities to collect data necessary for regulatory approval
Orion will be equipped with a toilet, but the new spacesuit is being designed to help astronauts survive in case of emergencies for up to six days
Funding for a second SLS launch platform was not included in the White House's fiscal year 2019 budget proposal
Their voyages are scheduled to begin next year, and they would be the first American astronauts to launch from United States soil since 2011
This is the first time that an Indian student's experiment has been carried out by NASA