The Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) mission is the first to survey the atmosphere over the oceans
Juno will spend the next three months getting into position to begin studying what lies beneath Jupiter's thick clouds
The mission aims to uncover the origins of the biggest planet in the solar system
The spacecraft's planned rendezvous with the object located deeper in the Kuiper Belt, known as 2014 MU69
No other team was even nominated for this spirit award
Test will provide NASA with critical data to support booster qualification for flight
NASA has finally found a way to make espresso in a microgravity environment
Students are expected to build and design their own remotely operated vehicles from scratch
To achieve more efficient, quieter and environmentally friendly aircraft compared to a conventional one
The Strong El Nino - which has now dissipated - fuelled the high temperatures witnessed so far in 2016
Hyperion instrument successfully detected the methane leak on three separate overpasses during the winter of 2015-16
The images provide fine details of the various types of terrains that will help in determining the processes that formed them.
Inflatable habitats are designed to take up less room on a spacecraft, but provide greater volume for living and working in space once expanded
Jupiter's icy moon Europa is strongly believed to hide a deep ocean of salty liquid water beneath its icy shell.
The team also determined the object's rotation period and observed the changes in light reflected from its surface.
Soft X-rays can disrupt the Earth's upper atmosphere and, radio and GPS signals travelling through the region.
Phase II of NIAC addresses a range of leading-edge concepts, including interplanetary habitat configured to induce deep sleep for astronauts
Giving fresh hopes to astronomers to discover another Earth reverberating with life.
Senior researcher Rupak Biswas says agency now interested in exploiting space resources over traditional stations
Scientists have proposed deploying a robotic system to explore the exotic environment.