Markets regulator Sebi has imposed a penalty of Rs 2 lakh on Orissa Minerals Development Co Ltd and two individuals for lapses in making timely disclosures about certain price sensitive information back in 2012. The watchdog had conducted a probe into the alleged delayed disclosure of price sensitive information by OMDC to the stock exchanges for the July 2 to August 10, 2012 period. The fine has been imposed on OMDC, Satish Chandra and Sucharita Das. Chandra and Das were Managing Director and Compliance Officer, respectively, at that time, according to an order. It was found that there were delays in making disclosures in at least three instances, including about environmental clearance for Kolha Roida Iron & Manganese Ore Mining Project. "... environment clearance in respect of Kolha Roida Iron & Manganese Ore Mining Project; Merger of Bisra Stone Lime Co. Ltd with the Company; Issue of bonus shares and Splitting of shares of the company were 'price sensitive information'," .
Amid a spurt in COVID-19 cases, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has identified several OYO hotel rooms for paid isolation of asymptomatic patients.
Sanjeev Gupta-led group takes into account the high growth expected in the economy after the country emerges from lockdown
Chief Secretary Asit Tripathy reviewed the flood-like situation in Odisha with collectors of 10 districts through video conference, according to the Special Relief Commissioner Pradeep Jena
Heavy rain triggered by a low pressure area over the Bay of Bengal disrupted normal life in several parts of Odisha snapping road connectivity, submerging low lying areas and damaging mud houses
Twelve states and union territories have reported their recovery rates above the national average
State-wise data also the number of returns filed during AY 2018-19 has gone up compared to AY 2017-18.
Odisha's peculiar problem, triple whammy for nurses tending to corona patients, go-ahead for Phase-3 trials of Oxford vaccine--a round-up of news on how the country is dealing with the pandemic
According to FIMI, iron ore exports in 2019-20 rose to 36,623.71 tonnes from 16,198.90 in 2018-19
The negative growth rates of the SGST collection were recorded in April, May and June this year
In a bid to augment the testing facilities, Odisha government on Saturday allowed private hospitals, nursing homes and laboratories to conduct COVID-19 tests through Rapid Antigen and RT-PCR methods, a notification issued by the health and family welfare department said. The department issued a separate set of guidelines for conducting sample tests both under Rapid Antigen and RT-PCR. The private health establishments have to abide by the ICMR norms. The sample test results should first be informed to the state authorities before being released to the person whose test was conducted, the notification said. For Rapid Antigen tests, the private bodies can charge a maximum of Rs 450 while the price for RT-PCR tests is fixed at Rs 2,200 per test. The nursing homes, hospitals and laboratories should be mandatorily registered under the Odisha Clinical Establishment (control & regulation) Act, 1990. The manpower to be deployed for the purpose must be trained properly in ...
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday inaugurated two dedicated Covid-19 hospitals in Ganjam district, which has emerged as the hotspot of the disease in the state
All departments will ensure that government work does not suffer, all the state government offices will remain closed on Saturdays in August
The Covid-19 death toll in Odisha rose to 169 as 10 more people succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours
As many as 227 migrant returnees - 88 from Bargarh, 75 from Sambalpur, 35 from Bolangir and 29 from Deoagrh - were interviewed as part of the survey
Odisha's COVID-19 caseload inched towards the 20,000-mark as the state reported its highest single-day spike of 1,078 new cases on Wednesday, a health official said
Odisha's Covid-19 death toll Saturday rose to 86 with three patients succumbing to the infection, while the total case count increased to 16,701 after 591 fresh positive cases were detected
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik inaugurated the Covid-19 Plasma Bank for treatment of serious patients at SCB Medical College, Cuttack
The death toll due to Covid-19 in Odisha rose to 70 on Monday with six more fatalities, while the tally climbed to 13,717 as 616 more people tested positive for the disease
Odisha registered its highest single-day spike of 755 COVID-19 cases, taking the tally to 11,956, while the death toll mounted to 56 with four patients succumbing to the infectious disease