Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for Wednesday
Other indicators including mobility have been on the rise
Retail & recreation visits at nearly 60% of normal times
The power ministry on Friday announced the extension of timeline by two years for waiver on inter-state transmission charge for electricity generated from solar and wind sources.
The term-ahead market comprising intra-day, contingency, daily and weekly contracts traded 383 MU during the month.
Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for Friday
The amount of money that remained outstanding after 45-to-60 days of grace period given to the distribution companies fell to about Rs 67,300 crore, over 20 per cent lower than what it was a month ago
Some indicators have begun to reverse earlier decline
This week power generation fell below the last year level indicating continued deceleration in economic activity from the lockdown
Retail and recreation visits are at their lowest in nearly a year
This indicates recovery in industrial and commercial demand of electricity
India added 12.1 gigawatt (GW) power generation capacity in 2020-21, of which 7.7 GW was from renewable energy sources, according to a report.
The more-than-doubling of installed capacity since 2010 has helped reduce shortages. The peak deficit in March 2021 was at 0.5 per cent
Other indicators too weighed down by surge in Covid-19 cases
The power consumption in April grew 41 per cent to 119.27 BU
Electricity supply to Karnataka - home to India's tech hub Bengaluru - fell over 15%
Workplace visits are now down by nearly a quarter compared to normal times
Effect on Mumbai's economic activity appears more pronounced than Delhi's
Power generation holds steady compared to previous week
Diesel engine maker projected to benefit as companies planning to build data centres seek power providers