ccording to the data provided by Athawale, 51,835 manual scavengers have been identified in the survey, out of which 24,932 were identified in Uttar Pradesh alone
About 90% of the global mortality was in the northerly latitudes, above roughly 30 degrees north
The animal testing lets scientists see how the body reacts to vaccines in ways studies in people never can
There has been an increase of 148 deaths and 6,088 cases since Thursday 8 am, according to the Health Ministry
We strongly disagree with the ordering of the rationing priorities, with maximisation of lives saved or maximum life-years saved at the top, as it involves favouring the young over the old
Govt has extended the nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus till May 17, and released a set of guidelines detailing things that are allowed or prohibited in public places
Doctors, health workers talk about the challenges they face in dealing with Covid-19 patients
Covid must cause a re-examination of aspects of economics
Its people-centric response has mobilised the whole state against the pandemic
What we should be really thinking about is the collective vulnerability of our world
The biggest armies and the biggest economies failed against a microscopic virus - the weakest link undid decades of progress
Health and hygiene were ignored and all that mattered was optimum utilisation of economic resources for maximum gains at minimum cost
Lockdown has helped, but testing must be scaled up
Time to focus on unintended consequences of Covid-19
Lockdown should be lifted with care
What should countries like India do, with limited testing facilities and even more limited public health infrastructures?
Taking care of people and communities in times of crisis can offer a brand or company many long-term benefits
The HPV vaccine, administered to pre-pubescent girls to prevent cervical cancer, has received considerable bad press over its 14 years
2019-nCoV is a reminder that we must build the foundations of public health
Even efficient urban and variable-quality rural health services will be unable to tackle coronavirus in case of a community epidemic, which will gain ground and possibly acquire greater virulence