Reliance Industries Ltd on Thursday reported a better-than-expected net profit of Rs 13,248 crore in the June quarter on the back of exceptional income. Net profit was Rs 10,141 crore in the same period a year back, the company said in a regulatory filing. The company said it recognised exceptional gain of Rs 4,966 crore from stake sale.
All that happened in the markets today
The quarterly results announcement by Reliance Industries and HDFC will be the major market mover today. Analysts expect a dent in RIL's retail and energy verticals in the June quarter
The Sensex closed at 38,071, down 422 points, or 1.1 per cent. Nearly 4 per cent decline in RIL accounted for 57 per cent of the losses
Prasad owned a total of 640,000 RIL shares and his compensation stood at Rs 11.15 crore in FY20.
An analysis of 12 brokerage research reports shows that expectations for RIL's net profit for the quarter ended June 2020 ranges from Rs 4,600 crore to Rs 8,083 crore.
The expiry of derivative contracts of the July series tomorrow may keep today's session volatile
Here are the top business headlines on Wednesday morning
It downgrades stock from 'buy' to 'hold'; CLSA, too, lowers rating
Analysts estimate net profit to come down in 1st quarter
Reliance's existing retail operation already runs close to 12,000 stores, including a cash-and-carry wholesale business, in over 6,700 Indian towns and cities
Edelweiss Securities notes that the stock's primary triggers - deleveraging, asset monetisation and digital momentum - have already played out.
One of the few in the league of RIL globally is the SoftBank Group, which has grown from being a PC software distributor and a telco to a technology-focused investor
Last year, India Inc sealed deals worth $88.88 billion in the January-July period, but this year the total transactions are $56.73 billion, fueled mainly by RIL-Jio deals
Here are the top headlines of the day
The goal is a 12-hour window for vegetables and fruits to move from the fields to the shelves
Thus far in the calendar year 2020 (CY20), RIL's market-cap has surged 49.8 per cent, or Rs 4.77 trillion, from Rs 9.59 trillion on December 31, 2019
This week, domestic equity markets will largely be steered by corporate earnings, developments on US-China relations front and Covid-19 trends
India's complicated e-commerce policy with restrictions on overseas investors may help keep out global retail and e-commerce players
High-risk investors have shifted to the partly paid (PP) counter of Reliance Industries (RIL) to generate more bang for the buck