Edible oil firm Ruchi Soya, which is owned by Baba Ramdev-led Patanjali Ayurveda, has received capital markets regulator Sebi's go-ahead to raise Rs 4,300 crore through a follow-on public offer (FPO). The FPO is being launched to meet the Sebi norm of minimum public shareholding of 25 per cent in a listed entity. The company, which filed the draft papers with Sebi in June, obtained its observations on August 14, an update with the regulator showed on Tuesday. Going by the draft papers, the entire issue proceeds will be used for furthering the company's business by repayment of certain outstanding loans and meeting its incremental working capital requirements and other general corporate purposes. SBI Capital Markets Ltd, Axis Capital Ltd, and ICICI Securities Ltd are the lead managers to the issue. In 2019, Patanjali acquired Ruchi Soya, which is listed on stock exchanges, through an insolvency process for Rs 4,350 crore. The promoters currently have nearly 99 per cent stake and
Oil Marketing Companies may be on investor radar today after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Monday that the Centre had little room to cut excise duty on petrol and diesel
According to its draft documents, the issue's net proceeds will be utilised to repay its borrowings and fund incremental working capital requirements
Sebi levied a total fine of Rs 40 lakh on B P Equities Pvt Ltd, Jamson Securities Pvt Ltd and an individual for violation of market norms while dealing in the scrip of Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd
Standard Life will divest 3.46 per cent or 70 million shares in HDFC Life Insurance Company on Tuesday
Edible oil firm Ruchi Soya, which is owned by Baba Ramdev-led Patanjali Ayurveda, has filed draft document with SEBI to launch a follow-on public offer (FPO) for raising up to Rs 4,300 crore.
Gujarat State Petronet, APL Apollo Tubes, Arvind Fashions, Nucleus Software Exports and Quess Corp are among 29 companies slated to post their quarterly numbers today
Ruchi Soya Industries on Tuesday announced the acquisition of biscuits business from Patanjali Natural Biscuits Pvt Ltd (PNBPL) in a slump sale at Rs 60.02 crore.
Markets regulator Sebi on Friday directed seven entities to disgorge over Rs 5.75 crore of 'unlawful gains' made by them while indulging in manipulative trading in the shares of Ruchi Soya Industries
The net profit in the third quarter of this fiscal year is up by 50 per cent year-on-year if this exceptional gain is excluded
Ramdev, partner see biggest jump in wealth in percentage terms
Ruchi Soya had sought shareholders' approval to re-designate Acharya Balkrishna as chairman of the company and appointment of Swami Ramdev, 49, as a director on the company board
Wipro on Tuesday said its up to Rs 9,500-crore share buyback programme will commence on December 29
In a regulatory filing, Ruchi Soya, which sells soya products under Nutrela brand, said the shareholders have approved all resolutions at the annual general meeting with requisite majority
Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd in a notice to shareholders sought approval for appointment of Ram Bharat, 41, as the managing director of the company.
Patanjali acquired Ruchi Soya, which is listed on stock exchanges, through an insolvency process last year
Baba Ramdev's fame drives Patanjali - he evolves broad strategies and Acharya Balkrishna acts as MD. But there is also a third man in Patanjali's power index: Ram Bharat, Ramdev's younger brother
All that happened in the markets today
Sebi proposal follows surge in Ruchi Soya stockprice; higher disclosure norms on the cards
A Delhi-based company put Rs 13 cr for a 5.94% stake in Ruchi Soya soon after it got relisted; today that investment is worth Rs 1,500 crore