Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that 7,144 people had been evacuated from a number of Ukrainian cities on Friday."7,144 people have been rescued from Enerhodar, Bucha, Hostomel and Kozarovychi," Zelenskyy said in a video address on his Telegram channel.On February 24, Russia launched a special operation after the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk requested assistance to defend themselves from ongoing attacks by the Ukrainian troops.The Western countries have strongly condemned the Russian military operation and boosted the sanctions pressure on Moscow.
The global coronavirus caseload has topped 455 mn, while the deaths have surged to more than 6.03 mn and vaccinations to over 10.66 bn, according to Johns Hopkins University.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Friday informed that the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is deteriorating at an alarming pace.
The US-based Colgate-Palmolive has suspended the importation and sales of all its products barring essential health and hygiene products in Russia.
A 13.6 billion emergency package of military and humanitarian aid for besieged Ukraine.
US accused Russia of using a UNSC meeting Friday for "lying and spreading disinformation as part of a potential false-flag operation by Moscow for the use of chemical or biological agents in Ukraine.
There are fears Premier League club Chelsea could run out of money after the British government sanctioned the Russian oligarch and froze his assets.
Russian Foreign Ministry said that Moscow confirmed facts revealed during the military operation that prove the Kyiv regime is destroying evidence of military biological programmes.
Putin can stop the ongoing war in Ukraine right now by agreeing to a diplomatic solution or just stopping the bombing and the death and destruction he is causing, John Kirby said on Friday.
Ukraine authorities have told the IAEA that technicians have started repairing damaged power lines in an attempt to restore electricity supplies to the site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
Zelenskyy accused Russia of kidnapping the mayor of the city of Melitopol, equating it to the actions of "ISIS terrorists."
Ukrainian authorities have claimed that Russia has "kidnapped" Ivan Fedorov, the Mayor of Melitopol city which has fallen to Moscow.
Mosseri has condemned the Russian decision to block the social network over Meta's decision to allow publication of calls for violence against Russian soldiers and Russians
US President Joe Biden said he has moved 12,000 troops along the borders with Russia, such as Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Romania while asserting that Putin will not be victorious in the war.
Facebook owner Meta Platforms (FB.O) said Friday that a temporary change in its content policy, only for Ukraine, was needed to let users voice opposition to Russia's attack
American online video sharing and social media platform YouTube on Friday (local time) said that it is blocking Russian state-funded media channels globally "effective immediately.""Our Community Guidelines prohibit content denying, minimizing or trivializing well-documented violent events, and we remove content about Russia's invasion in Ukraine that violates this policy. In line with that, effective immediately, we are also blocking YouTube channels associated with Russian state-funded media, globally," YouTube said in a statement, CNN reported.Taking to Twitter, the tech company said that it began blocking RT and Sputnik's YouTube channels across Europe, adding that it has already taken other steps since Russia began its military operations in Ukraine."We paused monetization and significantly limited recommendations for Russian state-funded media channels. Both actions are global & indefinite. Our Trust & Safety team has worked to quickly remove violative content. We've
Russia had received more than 16,000 applications from people in West Asian countries to help fight in two separatist regions of eastern Ukraine
If Putin intensifies the bombing, lays siege to Kyiv and intensifies the scenes of war, we know that we will have to take massive sanctions again, Macron said.
Zelenskyy gave Biden the assessment of the situation on the battlefield, informed about the crimes of Russia against the civilian population
Russian has already blocked access to Facebook, limited access to Twitter and criminalised the intentional spreading of what Moscow deems to be fake reports