MSMEs in Uttar Pradesh will get marketing assistance of up to Rs five lakh under a new start-up policy, a senior official said here Tuesday. New start-up policy 2020, aimed at extending support and encouragement to start-ups and incubation centres in Uttar Pradesh has been notified, said Additional Chief Secretary (Electronics and Information Technology) Alok Kumar. Under the new policy, there is a window of up to Rs 5 lakh as marketing assistance to MSMEs," he added. Kumar gave this information while addressing a virtual conference on "Role of Information Technology in transforming MSMEs' future during COVID-19", a PHDCCI release said. The conference had been organized by the Uttar Pradesh Chapter of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Kumar also said the Department of IT & Electronics is working hand in hand with SIDBI to facilitate venture capital funding for new start-ups and MSMEs. Focusing on the important role that IT is playing these days, Additional Chief Secretary, ..
Lumikai, a venture capital firm focused on gaming and interactive media, on Monday announced a new early stage VC fund that will support up to 20 early-stage investments
Besides, the exchange will offer multiple benefits in terms of gaining visibility, branding, credibility and unlocking the value
The Lucknow-based hub will nurture 50 start-ups over 5 years
New fund should help boost agricultural infrastructure
Endiya Partners is a seed and early-stageventure capital firm investing in IP-led Indian product start-ups that are globally relevant
Companies focused on farm technology are witnessing a surge in funding
Sitharaman says govt will soon be coming with taxpayers charter of rights which was announced in the Budget
Say banks will have to understand ecosystem's high-growth business model
It intends to align them with emerging national priorities and bring a sharper focus to inclusive development
Byju's has bought the company for $300 million according to DC Advisory (DC), which acted as the exclusive financial advisor to WhiteHat Jr on its sale to the Bengaluru-based education technology firm
The company said it was planning to commercialise some of the intellectual properties (IPs) to be built by start-ups through the company's Singapore subsidiary.
Says capital has become scarce and only a few businesses in areas such as health and remote learning are getting capital, but they are just 1-2% of the ecosystem
Themes such as farm-to-fork, factory-to-farm, financing and mechanisation enablers will be of significant interest in the coming months
Google-backed delivery services startup says clients' payment information was not compromised.
The funding round brings Zolo to $90 million raised in all
In 2019 alone, $244.59 million were invested in the sector, an increase of over 350 % YoY
Start-ups are now resorting to mass lay-offs and cost-cutting, as only a small number of them is funded to sustain till end-2020
43 per cent of start-ups have already started salary cuts in the range of 20-40 per cent over the period of April-June 2020, it said.
Vedantu cashing in as coaching classes remain shut amid lockdown