Tata Motors on Tuesday said it has inked a pact with Tata Power to install and operate a 3 MWp rooftop solar project at its passenger vehicle business unit (PVBU) plant in Pune. The automaker said it has signed a solar power purchase agreement with Tata Power. The solar rooftop project is expected to generate nearly 45 lakh KWh per year, reducing carbon emissions by around 3,538 tonnes per year, it added. "After the recent inauguration of India's largest solar carport at our car plant in Pune, this project marks a new milestone in our ongoing efforts to reduce our impact on the planet," Tata Motors Passenger Vehicle Business Unit Vice President - Operations - Rajesh Khatri said in a statement. Energy efficiency is at the core of the company's efforts and reducing GHG emissions and the carbon footprint of products play a vital role, he added. "We will continue to conserve energy in our manufacturing facilities, optimising the consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels, energy ...
Real estate developer Lodha Group has tied up with Tata Power to provide electric vehicle charging infrastructure at its residential and commercial projects.
Tata Power on Thursday said its arm TP Saurya has received a letter of award from Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited for setting up of 330 MW solar project in Madhya Pradesh. "TP Saurya Limited (TPSL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Power, has received a 'Letter of Award' (LoA) from Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited (RUMSL) to build 330 MW (Unit-1:160 MW + Unit-2:170 MW) of solar project in Neemuch Solar Park of Madhya Pradesh," a company statement said. This project has been awarded through tariff-based competitive bidding followed by e-reverse auction, it stated. Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan, in the presence of Hardeep Singh Dang, Minister of Department of New and Renewable Energy; Sanjay Dubey (IAS), Principal Secretary; Akash Tripathi (IAS), MD, MPPMCL & other key dignitaries handed over the LOA to Ashish Khanna, President - Renewables, Tata Power. Speaking on the achievement, Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power, said in the statement, "We are glad to
The ministry is pursuing these five states to allow the two units to sell in the spot market on the power exchanges
Siemens and Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd (Tata Power-DDL) have jointly announced deployment of smart metering technology for over two lakh smart meters in north Delhi. "Siemens Ltd and Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd jointly announced the successful deployment of smart metering technology for over 2,00,000 smart meters in north Delhi," Siemens said in a statement. The state-of-the-art EnergyIP Meter Data Management System, installed and commissioned by Siemens, enables timely and accurate collection of electricity meter data, leading to increased visibility of the consumer network and reduction in carbon emissions. The AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) programme is one of Tata Power-DDL's key strategic initiatives for the modernisation of the grid. This implementation will help the consumers in real-time consumption monitoring and better energy usage management while also providing them outage and low power factor alerts. It will also enable faster outage ...
Tata Power Solar Systems has received a notice of award to build 50MWp solar PV plant with 50MWh battery energy storage system project at Phyang village in Leh, Ladakh.
Total income during April-June 2021 increased to Rs 10,145.89 crore, compared with Rs 6,540.42 crore in the year-ago period
Tata Power on Thursday said it has secured the highest score among its peers in the Indian power sector in rating agency Crisil's recently launched environmental, social and governance (ESG) scores.
Tata Power has joined hands with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd to provide end-to-end electric vehicle charging stations at the latter's retail outlets at multiple cities and major highways
Their renewable energy and retail plans offer contrasting strategies; if they pan out, the consumer is the guaranteed winner
Vandana Gombar assesses the green energy plans of Reliance, NTPC, Tata and Ola
Chandrasekaran was appointed as non-independent non-executive director of the firm on February 11, 2017.
Spanning over 30,000 square meters, this carport will not only generate green power, but will also provide covered parking for finished cars in the plant.
Tata Power, for instance, has reduced its consolidated net debt by Rs 11,400 crore in the last three years to Rs 36,559 crore as on March 31, 2021
Tata Power on Thursday said its wholly-owned subsidiary CGPL has raised Rs 570 crore through issuance of non-convertible debentures (NCDs). "Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL)... has successfully issued and allotted unsecured, rated, listed, taxable, guaranteed, redeemable NCDs for an amount of Rs 570 crore on private placement basis issued for a tenor of 3 years," Tata Power said in a BSE filing. The proceeds of the NCDs will be utilised by CGPL towards refinancing of its existing debt, capital expenditure and augmentation of working capital, it said. The proceeds will not be used for any purpose for which bank finance is not permitted by the RBI including investments in capital markets, real estate and on-lending, it added. The NCDs have been rated IND AA(CE)/Stable by India Ratings & Research and will carry a coupon rate of 5.70 per cent, payable annually, the filing said. The debt obligations of CGPL under the NCDs are guaranteed by the company.
On Tuesday, the S&P BSE Power index hit a 10-year high of 3,008, a level last seen in January 2011, in intra-day trade. Adani Power, meanwhile, hit a record high of Rs 151
Gujarat State Petronet, APL Apollo Tubes, Arvind Fashions, Nucleus Software Exports and Quess Corp are among 29 companies slated to post their quarterly numbers today
Tata Power on Friday said it has started restoration work in Odisha where cyclone Yaas caused disruptions.
This at a time when the company is focusing on renewable energy
We have now both urban and rural consumers. Our whole business philosophy is towards renewable, said Sinha