Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday spoke to Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy regarding the situation arising out of heavy rainfall in the two states.The Prime Minister assured all possible support and assistance in rescue and relief work."Spoke to @TelanganaCMO KCR Garu and AP CM @ysjagan Garu regarding the situation in Telangana and AP respectively due to heavy rainfall. Assured all possible support and assistance from the Centre in rescue & relief work. My thoughts are with those affected due to the heavy rains," the Prime Minister said in a tweet.President Ram Nath Kovind also spoke to the Telangana Governor and Chief Minister and expressed concern over the loss of lives and destruction caused by incessant rain in the region."Spoke with the Governor of Telangana, @DrTamilisaiGuv and CM K. Chandrashekar Rao, and expressed concern over loss of lives and destruction caused by incessant rain in Hyderabad ..
Telangana registered 1,446 fresh coronavirus cases and eight related fatalities, taking the tally of infections in the state to 216,000
Even as 1,708 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Telangana in the last 24 hours, 2,009 more patients recovered to take the state's recovery rate over 88 per cent, officials said on Tuesday
The number of Covid-19 cases appear to be relenting in Telangana as the infections reported are at sub-2000 levels and related casualties in single digit during the past five days
Telangana recorded 1,021 new Covid-19 cases, pushing the tally of infections to 213,084, while the death toll rose to 1,228 with six more fatalities
As per the Chief Minister's Office, It was also decided that the Paddy would be purchased for any number of days
Telangana recorded 1,811 new Covid-19 cases, taking the infection count to 210,000 even as the recovery rate in the state climbed to over 87%.
The South Central Railway announced that it will operate eight more special trains connecting various destinations in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
Twelve more persons succumbed to Covid-19 in Telangana while 1,896 new positive cases were detected during the last 24 hours, officials said on Thursday
Paswan holds a special place in the country''s political history as a political leader and social activist, Rao said.
Telangana reported 1,896 new Covid-19 cases, taking the tally of infections to 2,06,644, while the death toll rose to 1,201 with 12 more fatalities, a state government bulletin said on Thursday
The Telangana government on Wednesday issued guidelines under 'Unlock 5' but no decision has been taken on re-opening of schools and cinema theatres
The COVID-19 recovery rate in Telangana crossed 86% as the state continued to report more recoveries than the daily count of positive cases
Telangana has agreed to withdraw the case it filed in the Supreme Court about the sharing of waters of Krishna and Godavari rivers
Telangana recorded 1,983 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the total infection count to 202,000, even as the recovery rate in the state rose to over 86%
The Covid-19 tally in Telangana crossed the 200,000 mark with 1,335 new cases being reported, a state government bulletin said on Monday
The Anti-Corruption Bureau of Telangana seized assets worth Rs 3.36 crore of an Additional Collector from Medak district from the state and registered a case of disproportionate assets
In a 14 page long letter on Friday, listing out Telangana's demands, KCR wrote, "I request you to include the allocation of water issues raised in this letter as agenda items of the 2nd Meeting"
Covid-19 cases in Telangana dropped on Monday with a dip in the number of tests conducted over the weekend
Telangana recorded 2,166 new Covid-19 cases and 10 related deaths, pushing the tally of positive cases to 174,000