The state, at present, has eight operational airports
Ahead of the Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, two photos of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a stroll with his hand on Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's shoulder has created quite a buzz. Sharing the photos on Twitter, Adityanath also wrote a poem about the commitment of making a new India. The photos of Modi with his hand on Adityanth's shoulder deep in conversation were snapped at the Uttar Pradesh Raj Bhavan. The prime minister, who is in Lucknow to attend the DGPs' conference, is staying at Raj Bhavan since Friday night. Adityanath had gone to meet the prime minister on Sunday morning. However, it is not known what discussion took place between them. Along with the photos, Adityanath wrote a poem in Hindi, which roughly translates to: "We have started a journey with a pledge, dedicating our mind and body, to make the sun rise; rise high above the sky and make a new India". Retweeting the tweet, Uttar Pradesh BJP chief Swatantra Dev Singh said, "Moving towards comprehensive .
Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Piyush Goyal on Tuesday said cane arrears in Uttar Pradesh have reduced to Rs 3,895 crore from Rs 10,661 crore in 2017. Goyal, who is the Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Textiles, virtually inaugurated 50th Convocation Ceremony of National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, according to an official statement. In his inaugural address, Goyal stressed the need to increase productivity and production of sugarcane to boost farmers' income. Goyal said the sugar industry will help increase income of lakhs of farmers in India by raising productivity. It should be the resolve of the institute and its students to increase the productivity and value addition in 50 lakh hectares of land under sugarcane farmers, the minister said. He said the institute and its students have the ability to change lives as well as livelihoods of lakhs of farmers. Goyal highlighted that the country's sugar exports rose 20 per cent to .
The CM said the project's foundation was laid in 2018 and was completed in barely 19 months despite Covid Pandemic
Supreme Court granted time till Monday to UP government for apprising its stand on the suggestion that a former judge of a different HC should monitor the SIT probe in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence
The Yogi Adityanath-led UP government has asked farmers to feed stubble to stray cattle instead of burning it in the fields
The SP chief on Saturday sought to defend his widely criticised statement
Four new members of the UP Legislative Council were administered oath at a function on Wednesday
Ashish Mishra, son of union minister Ajay Mishra Teni and the main accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case, is reportedly suffering from dengue and has been hospitalised
The Congress claimed that Uttar Pradesh government's actions suggest it is rattled with the Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's popularity
The Congress leader on Wednesday night met the family members of the man who died in police custody in Agra
Governor Anandiben Patel on Sunday said women are playing a vital role to curb the dowry system
Yogi Adityanath on Sunday attacked the previous governments and alleged that they encouraged rioters
Yogi Adityanath said the people of both districts have elected representatives who are working towards the development of their area
Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel said that there is an anti-incumbency in UP against the Yogi Adityanath government and it will not retain power in the state after the Assembly polls next year
The Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) spokesperson Rakesh Tikait on Thursday urged the government to immediately "arrest the culprits of the Lakhimpur massacre".
Punjab Congress Chief Navjot Singh Sidhu has demanded the arrest of Union Minister Ajay Kumar Mishra's son in connection with the death of farmers during violence in Uttar Pradesh
BJP MP Varun Gandhi on Thursday posted a video purportedly of the Lakhimpur Kheri incident and said the protesters cannot be silenced through murder asking for accountability for the farmers.
Uttar Pradesh announced a retired High Court judge will probe the Lakhimpur Kheri violence and that it will give Rs 45 lakh compensation to the families of the four farmers killed in the incident
UP government has urged Lucknow airport not to allow Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel and Punjab Deputy CM Sukhjinder S Randhawa to land ahead of their scheduled visit to Lakhimpur Kheri today