Entertainment major Viacom18 on Friday announced the launch of Sports18, the network's dedicated sports broadcasting channel. The pay-TV channel, available in SD & HD, will offer fans the best-in-class sports content in India. Sports18 will be the new home to the world's most premium sports properties, including the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, NBA, LaLiga, Ligue 1, Serie A, Abu Dhabi T10, and top ATP and BWF events. Apart from premier picks from the world of football, basketball, tennis, cricket and badminton, the channel will provide fans access to top programming covering international sports news, magazine and highlights shows. "We are pleased to launch a dedicated sports channel for an audience across demographics and geographies," Viacom18 Sports CEO Anil Jayaraj said in a statement. "Sports18 will strive to be India's most-coveted broadcast network by providing fans easy access to a comprehensive bouquet of international and premier sports content." According to sources, the
Entertainment-focused broadcaster Viacom18 has bagged TV and digital rights of Italian Professional Football League for the Indian sub-continent region for the next three seasons. The latest edition of Italian Serie A, which will kick off on August 21, will be available live across Voot, Viacom18's TV channels and Jio, a statement said. Italian Professional Football League, known as Lega Serie A, is the top football league in Italy and one of the most famous football leagues in the world. Italian Serie A has been voted as the World's Best Nation League in 2020 by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics, the statement said. "Sport is whitespace that we have been consciously experimenting with for some time now. The response to our initiatives, thus far, has been very encouraging. Italian Serie A is one of the most exciting & competitive leagues in Europe and we are excited to bring it to our viewers across digital and broadcast platforms, Viacom18 Digital ...
Under the partnership, Network18 affiliates - which include its joint venture with ViacomCBS, Viacom18 - would create shows for Netflix to help the US firm expand offerings in India
Voot has already crossed the 100 billion watch-minutes mark in three years, and is now targeting 100 million MAUs this financial year
Our number one priority is driving regional growth across TV, films and online, says Viacom18 Media CEO