Kerala Health Minister Veena George has said that an action plan has been drawn up to control the spread of Zika.
Kerala Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Veena George said the first case of Zika virus has been reported in the state and the samples have been sent to NIV in Pune for final confirmation
British scientists on Sunday warned of "pretty miserable winter" ahead for the country due to likely emergence of new respiratory viruses, with further lockdowns a possibility
The country reported the first case of human infection with the H10N3 strain of bird flu from the country's eastern Jiangsu province, China's National Health Commission said
The models did work to a certain extent. The purpose of the models was not to do long-term forecasting but to inform public opinion and guide policy decisions
China has operationalised its new biosecurity law to fortify the legal cover for the establishment and safe operation of more bio labs in the country
"All the seven people that I have mentioned feel fine, they had only mild clinical symptoms," Popova assured
It was the bacteriologist and comparative pathologist Theobald Smith (1859-1934) who began the narrative of the "law of declining virulence" in the late 19th century
How different kinds of immune cells develop in the lungs and which of them may be behind severe lung diseases, has been described in a new study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden
Transmission via dust opens up whole new areas of investigation, say researchers
In the study, the scientists found that loosely folded face masks, and bandana-style coverings had little to no effect on stopping droplet jets
Despite five years of extensive exposure of humans to the virus, there's no evidence of it spreading from one person to another
Instead of its once haloed existence as the year of lofty goals and vision statements, it is now staring at an epitaph that may well read: The year when death ran amok and the gods went missing.
Lilly has already launched human trials with two of the experimental therapies
This can alter the behaviour of the flying mammals, reduce their biodiversity, and compromise the ecosystem functions they offer, the scientists said
Health ministry has issued general guidelines such as covering your mouth when you sneeze or wearing masks at all times, but there isn't any clear advice on how to deal with basic, household items.
The Norton 360 suite includes device protection from viruses and internet security, access to secure virtual private network (VPN), cloud storage for backup, password manager and parental controls
In a Q&A, V Ravi says at some later stage two-thirds of the population will have gotten Covid-19 but that stage many would have recovered without even knowing they had been infected
Hantavirus, however, is not thought to be a big threat at the moment
The overall confirmed cases in the Chinese mainland had reached 80,824 by the end of Friday