The Supreme Court on Friday stayed the ongoing probe by the West Bengal government appointed commission headed by former apex court Justice M B Lokur into the Pegasus snooping allegations. A bench comprising Chief Justice N V Ramana and Justices Surya Kant and Hima Kohli took note of the plea that despite the assurance of the West Bengal government that the Lokur panel would not proceed with the inquiry, the commission has commenced its work. The apex court on October 27 had appointed a three-member panel of cyber experts to probe the alleged use of Israeli spyware Pegasus for surveillance of certain people in India, saying every citizen needs protection against privacy violation and mere invocation of national security by the State does not render the court a mute spectator. Former Supreme Court judge Lokur and former chief justice of Calcutta High Court Jyotirmay Bhattacharya are the members of the commission of inquiry announced by the West Bengal government last month. An ...
In the 'small states' category, Kerala grabbed the top spot and Jharkhand was adjudged the worst performer on the index
West Bengal, Rajasthan and Bihar were worst in terms of women marrying at an early age
West Bengal, as it became after independence, lost more
Most of the ATMs ran dry due to the lack of replenishment
Durga Puja in Kolkata has just been inscribed on the intangible heritage list. Congratulations India, the UN agency said on Twitter
Banerjee said her sole aim after returning to power for the third consecutive term in Bengal is to bring industry and generate jobs.
He is undergoing treatment at a local hospital in Murshidabad district
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi remembers the Ganga river, which is regarded as the "mai" (mother) by lakhs, only during elections to get votes
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday paid tributes to security personnel who lost their lives while fighting terrorists during the Parliament attack in 2001. Banerjee said that the nation will always remain grateful to them because of their service. "Lest we forget. Homage to all our brave security personnel who laid down their lives on this day in 2001 to protect our Parliament. The entire nation salutes your supreme sacrifice. We will always remain grateful to you for your selfless service," she tweeted. West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar also paid tributes to the security personnel. "Tributes to our brave security personnel martyred in the line of duty during #ParliamentAttack in 2001. Their service and supreme sacrifice inspires every citizen TO KEEP NATION FIRST. National Security is paramount and calls for non compromising stance," he tweeted. Twenty years ago on December 13, terrorists of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) attacked
Altogether 610 more people tested positive for Covid-19 on Saturday, 18 less than the previous day's figure, pushing the tally to 16,22,608, the health department said
Of the fresh cases, Kolkata and North 24 Parganas accounted for 206 and 107 respectively
West Bengal now has 7,565 active Covid cases
BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari Thursday accused West Bengal Chief Minister of driving a wedge between BSF, whose jurisdiction was recently increased by the Centre, and the state police
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday directed the police in Nadia district having border with Bangladesh not to allow the BSF to enter areas that are outside its jurisdiction
FMCG firm Britannia Industries, which has its registered office in Kolkata, in the third most valuable company in the state: Report
The recovery rate among the coronavirus patients in the state stood at 98.33 per cent
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday asserted that priority must be given to locals and those knowing the local language during recruitment in state government jobs. Banerjee said that this practice would ease administrative affairs. "I am telling this to all the states. In West Bengal, if a person is from the state, he/she must get priority during recruitment to state government jobs even if his/her mother tongue is not Bengali. I have no objection to that. "But that person must know Bengali and should be a resident of the state. If he/she knows more languages, it's good. But knowledge of the local language is a must," Banerjee said during an administrative review meeting here. To further her argument, she cited the examples of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, where she said that residents of the state take up the matter with their respective governments if locals are not recruited in state government jobs. "In every state, we must ensure that locals get jobs," she ...
West Bengal on Sunday reported 620 new COVID-19 cases, one less than the previous day, with the tally rising to 1,619,257, a health department bulletin said.
The state on Friday registered 608 new cases