Today is the second day for SBI Card's IPO. Despite the volatility in the market, the Rs 10,350-crore initial public offering of SBI Cards and Payment Services was off to a good a start on Monday
The IMF said it had an array of facilities and instruments in its tool kit to help countries respond to the economic impact of the coronavirus.
Unless key issues are addressed, even if growth bounces back from the sub-5 per cent, it will stay lower than the already inadequate long-term average of 6.6%, writes T N Ninan
Damodaran said India has been pushing for single-window clearances for the last two decades and quipped, "there are no single windows, but only closed doors" here.
The economic refugees of earlier years have been replaced by well-placed people leaving (or staying away from) India's unattractive political economy, writes T N Ninan
The bank said such an investment will bring economic benefits equivalent annually to 3.7 per cent of the GDP.
Calling it a "difficult decision," Goldberg wrote that she will step down from her post on March 1
The latest economic forecasts from the IMF and the World Bank are sobering, pointing to protracted slowdowns across the board
It's good to be warned and to be prudent in managing debt. But are EMDEs really going on a debt binge that could hurt the global economy?
Investment to support the transformation of CIFCPL into a technology led universal bank
"Pakistan's growth is expected to rise to 3 per cent in the next fiscal year after bottoming out at 2.4 per cent in FY2019-20, which ends June 30," the World Bank said
In the report's India section, the World Bank said tighter credit conditions in the non-banking sector are contributing to a substantial weakening of the domestic demand in the country
Access to American savings through the US securities markets provides China a lifeline without having to deal with its debt trap
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have been sounding the warning about growing global debt for years, but this report is starker and calls for governments to curb debt crisis.
It noted that in the neighbouring country of Bangladesh, too, the online sales a mere 0.7 percent of total retail sales, while that in China is 15 percent and around 14 percent globally
Restrictions on trade responsible for firms not opting for e-commerce, says report
The project is aimed at constructing a 48km four-lane, dual carriageway, high-speed and access-controlled motorway from Peshawar to Torkham border point with Afghanistan
The project is aimed at constructing a 48km four-lane, dual carriageway, high-speed and access-controlled motorway from Peshawar to Torkham border point with Afghanistan
The report called for reorienting northeast region's supply base to serve the changing global demand
The branding campaign should also stress on the intrinsic strengths of the region, pointed out the World Bank study