Mobile handset, electronics retailer Big C on Friday said it will be investing Rs 125 crore in the next two years to open 250 new outlets focusing on tier four and five cities
Crawford Bayley, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, Link Legal and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas will make a representation before govt on Friday
After the law firms showed no interest, the government revised its offer twice this month, limiting the timeline of the LIC's IPO work and offering a part payment during the IPO process, not just at t
Will invest Rs 5,000 crore in residential development in the next one year, has already raised Rs 400-500 crore from KKR for land acquisition in Chennai and Bengaluru
Mirroring massive investor interest, the initial public offer of Paras Defence and Space Technologies received a whopping 304.05 times subscription so far on the closing day on Thursday.
Data Patterns (India) is looking to raise Rs 300 cr through its offer, which will also consist of secondary share sale between Rs 300-400 cr
In August, Sebi had cleared the asset manager's IPO document, which was filed with the regulator in April.
With China after the border clashes it cannot be business as usual. The trust deficit has significantly widened, say sources
Consumer durables retail chain Electronics Mart India Ltd has filed preliminary papers with Sebi to raise Rs 500 crore through an initial share-sale.
Net proceeds from the initial share sale will be used to fund its capital expenditure, working capital requirements and towards expenses for general corporate purposes.
The firm supplies electronic systems to defence and aerospace sector
Freshworks will become the first Indian-origin software products startup to list on the US stock exchanges
The Mumbai-based company is planning to file its initial draft prospectus by January and is targeting a listing as soon as next year, the people said
Experts said retail investors are enthused by the high premium commanded by Paras Defence in the grey market
Real estate developer Puranik Builders has filed preliminary papers with capital markets regulator Sebi to raise funds through an initial public offering
Paras Defense IPO is priced at Rs 165-175 per share and looks to raise Rs 171 crore at the upper end of the price band
5.9 mn mandates were created compared to 7.7 mn in July
Data Patterns is seeking a valuation of around 25 billion rupees ($340 million) in the IPO, and is looking to sell an equal number of primary and secondary shares, the people said
At the top-end, Paras Defence will have a market capitalisation of Rs 683 crore on a post-diluted basis
Sansera's IPO was entirely an offer for sale worth Rs 1,283 crore. At the top-end of the price band, the company's market cap translates to Rs 3,823 crore