India on Tuesday conducted 931,408 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 177,463,405. The test positivity rate recorded was 1.9%
Fewest Covid deaths in a day since May 31; most recoveries in a day since December 24, biggest single-day net reduction in active cases since Nov 16, only 5 new active cases across India
With 19,557 new daily recoveries, India's recovery rate has improved to 96.19%; the fatality rate remains unchanged at 1.45%
India on Saturday conducted 958,125 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 174,899,783. The test positivity rate recorded was 1.9%
India on Friday conducted 829,964 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 173,941,658. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.3%
India on Thursday conducted 1,062,420 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 173,111,694. The test positivity rate recorded was 1.9%
India on Wednesday conducted 1,127,244 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 172,049,274. The test positivity rate recorded was 1.9%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,120,281 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 170,922,030. The test positivity rate recorded was 1.8%
India on Monday conducted 983,695 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 169,801,749. The test positivity rate recorded was 1.7%
India on Sunday conducted 715,397 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 168,818,054. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.8%
India on Saturday conducted 943,368 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 168,102,657. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.0%
India on Friday conducted 853,527 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 167,159,289. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.6%
India on Thursday conducted 997,396 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 166,305,762. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.3%
India on Wednesday conducted 1,039,645 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 165,308,366. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.4%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,098,164 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 164,268,721. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.2%
India's active cases now under 300,000, at lowest since July 12; Kerala now worst-hit state by active cases, accounts for 21% of total; Delhi reports fewest daily Covid case addition since Aug 18
India on Sunday conducted 899,834 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 162,098,329. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.7%
India on Saturday conducted 1,107,681 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 161,198,495. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.4%
India on Friday conducted 1,172,168 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 160,090,814. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.1%
India on Thursday conducted 1,113,406 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 158,918,646. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.1%