India on Wednesday conducted 1,158,960 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 157,805,240. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.1%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,085,625 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 156,646,280. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.4%
India on Monday conducted 993,665 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 155,560,655. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.2%
India on Sunday conducted 855,157 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 154,566,990. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.2%
India on Saturday conducted 1,014,434 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 153,711,833. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.0%
India on Friday conducted 1,065,176 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 152,697,399. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.8%
The five states with the highest number of active cases now are Maharashtra (73001), Kerala (59663), West Bengal (23451), Uttar Pradesh (20801), and Chhattisgarh (19346)
India on Wednesday conducted 922,959 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 150,759,726. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.4%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,022,712 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 149,836,767. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.1%
With biggest single-day net reduction since Nov 16, India now is 8th-worst-hit globally by active cases. On Tuesday it saw lowest single-day jump in tally since July 10, fewest deaths since July 3
India's active Covid caseload less than 400,000 for the first time since July 20; fewest deaths reported in a day since July 3
India on Saturday conducted 1,101,063 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 146,986,575. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.3%
India on Friday conducted 1,157,763 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 145,885,512. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.2%
India on Thursday conducted 1,170,102 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 144,727,749. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.1%
India on Wednesday conducted 1,111,695 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 143,557,647. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.2%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,096,651 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 142,445,952. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.3%
India on Monday conducted 969,325 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 141,349,301. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.2%
India on Sunday conducted 876,173 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 140,379,976. The test positivity rate recorded was 4.4%
India on Saturday conducted 1,283,449 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 139,503,803. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.3%
India on Friday conducted 1,157,605 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 138,220,354. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.6%