In September, Sebi had capped the maximum limit on expense ratio at 2.25 per cent, from the earlier 2.5 per cent
Fund houses and portfolio management service providers are optimistic about their proposed entry in the commodity derivatives market, but they also point out some teething challenges in initial days
What needs to be borne in mind is that collections in FY18 were boosted by flows into Bharat-22 ETF
Registrations 39% lower than past 10-month average
Regulator says all money market and debt securities rated below investment grade shall be valued at the price provided by the valuation agencies.
Besides institutional and HNIs, retail investors showing interest, say experts
The prime difference between corporate bond funds and credit risk funds is the quality of paper
MFs also bought shares of Emami, where the promoter divested their holding to reduce the share pledge burden
Fall in trailing returns, ban on upfront commission cited as triggers for the current situation
Long-term investors may use this number as a contrarian signal
Fewer than half of the top 100 Asian funds and about 60 percent of the top 200 emerging-market mutual funds in Goldman's sample have outperformed year to date
Guidelines on returns, classification and labelling will scale back 'outperformance' claims and improve transparency
Anyone with a basic knowledge of financial markets would know the basic difference between banks and debt funds
Fund houses say need measures like rotating raters to resolve any conflict of interest
Now, all government employees need to send an intimation if total transactions in shares, securities, debentures, mutual funds scheme and the like exceeds 6 months' basic pay during the calendar yea
According to data, the fall in shares of Zee Entertainment, Vedanta and Dewan Housing Finance (DHFL) has eroded close to Rs 11,000 crore of these institutional investors' wealth in just a month
The P/E ratio of mutual funds can differ based on the investment styles of fund managers
From April 2019 onwards, AMCs will have to submit the MCR to Sebi in the new format by the third working day of each month
Fund managers wary of raising bets on state-owned banks fearing government intervention
Account for long-single digit percentage of GDP despite rising nearly five times since 2013