Tata Motors on Tuesday rolled out the 1,00,000th unit of its hatchback Altroz, from the company's manufacturing facility at Pune. The city-headquartered vehicle maker had commenced Altroz production at the fag-end of November 2019. It launched the vehicle in January 2020. The first vehicle model built on the ALFA (Agile Light Flexible Advanced) architecture, the Altroz, has acquired the top 2nd position in the premium hatchback category in the current fiscal, with more than 20 per cent share with an average monthly sale of around 6,000 units in FY22, Tata Motors said in a release. Moreover, the car clocked its maximum sales of 7,550 units in March this year, it added. "We have crossed a major milestone, rolling out the 1,00,000th unit, during these challenging times and are grateful for the constant support and loyalty of our customers and partners. "The Altroz occupies a pride of place in our New Forever range offering a wide variety of options in the premium hatchback segment,"
Tata Motors has said its electric vehicles (EV) have achieved a cumulative sales milestone of 10,000 units
The breakout of "Inverse Head and Shoulder" for the Nifty Auto index hints at bullish scenario for auto stocks, provided the overall market momentum says strong
Tata Motors had entered the electric vehicle space with Tigor EV
Business Standard brings you the top headlines on Tuesday
The continued rise in the cost of commodities is the reason for price hike, says the CV maker
Tata Motors on Friday said it has launched a special edition of its flagship model Safari priced at Rs 21.89 lakh (ex-showroom) to further spruce up the range ahead of the festive season. The Safari Gold Edition, which comes in two carefully crafted special colour schemes -- The White Gold and The Black Gold -- is set to be showcased at the upcoming second leg of the VIVO IPL 2021. The interiors have been further enhanced with premium features like leather seats with ventilation on both the first and second rows, wireless charger, air purifier, Android Auto & Apple Carplay over Wifi, making it the most impressive version of the Safari yet, the auto major said in a statement. "In less than five months after its launch, our premium flagship SUV, the new Safari reached the milestone of its 10,000th rollout and today is among the highest selling SUVs in its segment. "The Safari has received immense love from our customers and keeping in mind the response, we are delighted to announce .
As per June 30, 2021, shareholding pattern data, ace investor Rakesh Radheshyam Jhunjhunwala held a 1.97 per cent stake in Tata Motors (DVR) and 1.15 per cent holding in Tata Motors
Tata Motors on Tuesday said it has inked a pact with Tata Power to install and operate a 3 MWp rooftop solar project at its passenger vehicle business unit (PVBU) plant in Pune. The automaker said it has signed a solar power purchase agreement with Tata Power. The solar rooftop project is expected to generate nearly 45 lakh KWh per year, reducing carbon emissions by around 3,538 tonnes per year, it added. "After the recent inauguration of India's largest solar carport at our car plant in Pune, this project marks a new milestone in our ongoing efforts to reduce our impact on the planet," Tata Motors Passenger Vehicle Business Unit Vice President - Operations - Rajesh Khatri said in a statement. Energy efficiency is at the core of the company's efforts and reducing GHG emissions and the carbon footprint of products play a vital role, he added. "We will continue to conserve energy in our manufacturing facilities, optimising the consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels, energy ...
Tata Motors on Monday said it has launched the CNG version of its light commercial vehicle Tata 407 priced at Rs12.07 lakh (ex-showroom, Pune). Tapping into the benefits of CNG, the vehicle offers profits of up to 35 per cent over the diesel variant, Tata Motors said in a statement. The vehicle comes with a 10-feet load deck and further strengthens the company's extensive CNG portfolio, ranging from 5-tonne to 16-tonne gross vehicle weight (GVW), in the intermediate and light commercial segment, it added. "With a steep increase in diesel prices, CNG vehicles have the potential to increase the profit potential significantly, and we are confident that the 407 CNG, in addition to the widest CNG range offered by Tata Motors, will bring a lot of value to our customers," Tata Motors Vice President (Product Line I&LCV) Rudrarup Maitra said. Arguably the most legendary commercial vehicle in India, with over 35 years legacy, the vehicle has consistently remained a customer-favourite, ...
In this podcast, we discussed why there is a semiconductor shortage and what are its impact
In the absence of a specific policy push and incentives, launching models at a price point that is within the bounds of an average car buyer is still some distance away
To counter the rise in input costs, Maruti plans to hike prices across-the-board from September, making it the fourth such increase this year
Tata Motors on Wednesday said its total domestic wholesales increased by 53 per cent to 54,190 units in August as compared to the same month last year. The company had sold 35,420 units in August 2020. The auto major said its passenger vehicle sales in the domestic market stood at 28,018 units in August, up 51 per cent as compared to 18,583 units in the same month last year. Commercial vehicle sales in the domestic market stood at 29,781 units, up 66 per cent from 17,889 units in August 2020, it added. The auto major noted that semiconductor shortage continues to impact the auto industry globally. The recent lockdowns in East Asia have worsened the supply situation and hence Tata Motors is forced to moderate production and offtake volumes in the coming months, it said. "The situation is fluid and we will continue to work to mitigate the impact of this and aim to meet our customer orders through an agile, multi-pronged approach including close engagement with our extended supply c
Prices start at Rs 11,99,000 and Rs 12,99,000; saving per kilometer for the e-Tigor is Rs 6.50
Tata Motors on Tuesday launched its second electric vehicle -- Tigor EV, catering to the personal segment in the domestic market, priced between Rs 11.99 lakh and Rs 13.14 lakh (ex-showroom)
Telecom, airline businesses continue to remain a drag for holding company
The hike could be steeper than last three rounds, pushed by an exponential increase in prices of raw materials such as steel and copper, analysts said
The Wrestling Federation (WFI) of India and Tata Motors have strengthened their long-term partnership further with the announcement of the 'Quest for Gold at Paris Olympics 2024'
The company's management has so far stated that it has not taken a decision on a partner.